“I can’t look into the face of life just for a minute without tears standing in the centre piece of my happiness. I can’t rest when the music that once gave me a lasting smile is gone. Iife is indeed a piece of shit, the life we living is a hall way to death, but before death, lets step to make it better and dare to make it last in the bossom of the guest coming from the east. Where there’s no rest for the birds in their nest. This world is very cold, a new day is in our shot so when life finds you some space, function very well to unleash your talents to make an impact and when the time comes for you to live this world, however your age, history will atleast be kind with the moments you spent on earth. Those who procrastinate on career, educational, health and family decisions will have to stop and act upon them for you know no when death will come knocking at your door” - Gombilla the Poet
Human beings on earth are very much afraid of death not because they don’t know they will eventually die, but because they wish they could buy time in order to execute some unfinished business. For they know deep in their Hearts that they’ve not finished what they were born to start or accomplished. Same cannot be said of a man who has discovered his purpose and fulfil his destiny, he welcomes death.
Fact uncontended, death never threatens any human that has discovered his purpose
Paul the Apostle in second Letter to Timorthy 4:7 - 8 spines, ‘’I have run the race, I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith and I have finished my course, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing’’. A manifestation that he had lived a worthy course and was eventually ready to embrace death and by extension exit empty.
There’s a reason for your being. An assignment attached to the reason of your creation. The factors that occasioned your conception. That is called purpose. Purpose is the reason for your birth and the meaning of your existence.“Each one of us has a purpose to discover not to invent” – viktor E. Frankle
It has always been mans utmost quest to know why they were born. The answer to this question solves all of your struggles in life. It literally aid you pursue life with ease. In fact, these questions control all of the human race. They’re so powerful that they create everything in this planet. They’re the source of all crimes, broken homes, bribery and corruption. Indeed, all of your problems on earth. Therefore, all of human life revolves around these meticulously crafted questions.
Success is a virtue that every human being wants to be associated with. But to succeed in life, these questions must cautiously be examined
Socrates the philosopher once said, “an unexamined life is not worth living”. It is a question of identity. It’s a conscious re-examination of one self when nobody is watching. A complete self introspection.
The unfortunate reality is, a lot of people have become others and are constantly living others all their lives to the neglect of the beautifully created human that is resident in them.
That accounts for why governments, countries, continents with the best of resources, leaders and policies still contend with issues of bribery and corruption. Identity is an essential requirement in your quest to discovering your reason for being.
This a question of source or heritage. Fact is, this question has nothing to do with your ethnicity or cultural makeup. Nobody knows a product better than the manufacturer. Therefore, your source is paramount in the search for purpose. You will never know who you’re, until you logon to /partner with your source.
But for this question, you would not have asked the pre-ceding two questions. It is a question of purpose – the assignment attached to you creation.You’re just too busy for wealth, education, job, love etc that you hardly even ask why you’re here? But to be free from all of these hustles, lies the answer to this question. Your why enables you pursue life with ease, because for then you will realize you were busy contending and possibly settling for stuff that really had nothing to do with your destiny after all. Let your why drive your pursuits. It’s essential to attach an divided attention to finding the reason you arrived.
What am I capable of? A question of Potential. Potential is power.
The sad reality is that, you’re using just 10 % of your brains ability. Indeed what you’re settling for greatly disappoints your manufacturer. What can you do that makes you extremely satisfied even if you’re not been paid for it?. What is your true ability?
The problem is not the color of our skin nor the place of our birth, but our cultural makeup, educational system and inadequate examples in our society.Because these systems attempts to define what we can and cannot do. In fact, our educational systems lack the ability to measure how much you’re worth. You’re perhaps living under an exams you took five years ago and couldn’t make it. And that has block your path of progress.
Destination determines the end of every journey. Living with the end in mind is very crucial. Because when the whistle is blown and the game is over, you will need to submit the result of your venture. What will your record be? What will speak for you when your manufacturer recalls you? What will occasion your return?
A purpose driven pursuit engineers a beautiful landing. Purpose is the destination before the journey
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we’ve live but the difference we create into the lives of the people we lead”
it is not what you leave behind that is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.When the game is over, exit empty don’t add to the riches of the cemetery. For I see greatness in you. Purpose is the final address for your life, discover it with mounting interest.
Purpose Driven Innovation-Ghana
Post office box 47A,
Wenchi-Akrobi Newtown, Bono Region Jnr
Contact: 0208879449/0243842562